Hi guys! I'm back and today I am going to compare Titanic and Revolutionary in terms of performance. I will talk about the performance in a scene from both and explain the performance, and then lastly I will compare each performance.
Titanic performance:
I really like this scene
because this is when Rose and Jack share their first kiss – the scene is when
Rose says “I’m flying Jack”. The scene
starts off with Jack starting out at sea and then Rose appears, Jack asks Rose
to grab his hand which she does and he leads her to go in front of him.Jack grabs Rose’s other hand and leads her
onto the top step of the deck (Rose has her eyes closed when this is all
happening).Jack tells Rose to open her
eyes and this is when she says “I’m flying Jack, I’m flying”.
The performance in this scene
is breathtaking because as the scene goes on you see that both characters
become more comfortable together and then start to trust each other. Especially
Rose, in this scene she finally starts to trust Jack.Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) acting in this scene
is remarkable.This is because at the
start of the scene you see Jack surprised to see Rose coming towards him.Afterwards, he seems to take it all in and
becomes more relaxed. You can tell he became more relaxed by his facial expressions.
In an interview once, Kate said that she is embarassed by her Titanic performance - she said "even my American accent, I can't listen to it". This shows that
Even though as an audience member I thought it was really good and very confincing, Kate doesn't think so.
Revolutionary Road performance:
This scene is a lot different than Titanic because this is when Frank and April have a fight after April's first show at the theatre. The scene starts off with an awkward silence in the car and then Frank pulls over and starts to slowly have a go at April. This then turns into a very heated argument and it ends in April stepping outside the car and have a cigarette in order to calm down. As Titanic is one of my favorite and I love the chemistry between Jack and Rose, I found watching this scene very difficult to watch as both characters are fighting all the time.
In this film Winslet had to do an American accent again. I still think it is amazing and Kate did a really good job.
Hi guys! Today I am going to write a review on Revolutionary Road, the 2nd film that DiCaprio and Winslet starred in together.
At first, I thought that this film was really interesting because it started from the past (when April and Frank first met). After within 15 minutes watching it I did start to get a little bit uncomfortable watching it. It is completely different from Titanic because Titanic is a romantic film whereas Revolutionary Road is drama. I didn't like the fact that most of the scenes were about the 2 characters (April and Frank arguing all the time)
My favourite scene from the film was when April (Winslet) and Frank (DiCaprio) had their first major fight and this caused a lot of tension between the couple. Kate and Leo's performances in this scene are incredible because they change emotion twice through out the scene which is very hard to do, and also when both characters shout each other it is very realistic.
Hi guys! This blog today is about comparing Titanic and Revolutionary Road. I have included some similarities and differences.
Both films have Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kathy Bates in them.
DiCaprio and Bates in Titanic
Kate and Kathy at an event
In both films they mention Paris - in Titanic you see Rose looking at Jack's drawings he drew on French women in Paris and then in Revolutionary Road April wants to move to Paris to become an actress.
Titanic scene when Rose looks at Jack's drawings
Titanic is a very romantic film and Rose and Jack are clearly deeply in love, Rose says to Jack "When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you" so this shows she is going to leave Cal for Jack. However in Revolutionary Road, Frank and April DID love each other but then later on life they gradually started hating each other. They were in a difficult and violent marriage - I found it quite hard to watch because I love Rose and Jack's love.
Revolutionary Road
In Revolutionary Road April dies and then in Titanic Jack dies.
Titanic's genre is romantic and Revolutionary Road's is drama
Revolutionary Road is set in the late 1940's whereas Titanic is set in 1912 (28 years apart)
Hi guys! Missed me? Well I am back now and today I am going to talk about a scene from Titanic. The scene is when Jack is invited to first class and has dinner with Rose, Cal (her fiancée), mother and a few other first class passengers. I am focusing on performance.
Here are the videos...
Photos from the clips:
Meeting at bottom of the stairs:
Dinner scene photos:
The main focus during the clips isn't the dialogue, it is about what Kate and Leo do during the 2 scenes. Eye-line match, gestures and finally their acting skills. Eye-line match means that the gaze of a character in one shot has to line up with the next shot with a different character. Examples of gestures are starring at each other, smiling, linking hands and laughing (all what Rose and Jack do).
Meeting at the bottom of the stairs clip. In this scene, When Rose walks down the stairs, Jack just stares at her and Rose stars back. When Jack kisses Rose's hand he said " I saw that in a nickelodeon one, and I always wanted to do it.". This makes laugh, Jack laughs as well. This is showing that Rose and Jack are comfortable with each other and this is when they start falling in love with each other. I really like the acting in this scene because Leo and Kate make it look really natural and also even though I have watched Titanic loads of times, this scene always makes me smile.
During the dinner table scene, you notice every once in a while you notice Rose and Jack exchanging looks and smiles. For example when Jack is talking about how great is life is and how he loves waking up in the morning not knowing what is going to happen or who is going to meet, Rose just stares at him. Rose smiles at Jack which causes Jack to smile too. I really like the acting in this clip because you are mainly focusing on the gestures and eye-line match between Leo and Kate.Also in this scene you can see Kathy Bates (Molly Brown) give Rose's mum (Ruth) the evil stare. The evil stare symbolises that Molly doesn't really like Ruth. She is a little bit up-herself and also she is suggesting to Jack she has more power than him as Jack is third class and Ruth is in first class, this is shown by Ruth saying "you find this sort of things appealing do you?".
When Jack says goodbye to everyone and then kisses Rose's hand again (just like the beginning of the night) and puts a note in her palm. They share glances at each other and when Jack leaves, Rose/Winslet looks down and smiles.
I found the whole script for the film on a website and I found it very interesting to look at the script while playing the scene at the same time. At some bits, it is hard to follow but Jack still says the same lines.
Hey guys! So I don't know if you heard but today (11/11/2014) is the one and only Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday! - he is 40 years old today. I decided that I would create a blog post dedicating all of what Leo has done through-out his acting career.
Early life
Leonardo is an only child
Leonardo DiCaprio as well as an actor, he is a film producer and an environmentalist
He was name Leonardo because his mother was looking at a Leonardo Di Vinci painting when he first kicked
His mother is called Iremelin
Father is called George - he is half German and Italian
His parents divorced when DiCaprio was only 1
For most of his childhood, he lived with his mother
DiCaprio can speak German fluently
Leo's first film was Critters 3 which is played the step-son of an evil landlord. After that he became a recurring cast member for Graving Pains, he played a character called Luke Brower. Below is a video that the company IMB listed the top 10 films Leonardo has done so far. Titanic is mentioned in it.
Carey Mulligan on Leonardo DiCaprio (in The Great Gatsby)
Tobey Maguire and DiCaprio when they were younger
Social media
Twitter (https://twitter.com/leodicaprio) Joined in April 2010
Hey guys! Today I am going to talk about behind the scenes in the 4 chosen films, but mainly focusing on Titanic and Revolutionary Road. I am focusing on those 2 films because while watching behind the scenes you can see the relationship Leo and Kate have.
I really like these behind the scenes shots because it is very interesting to watch what the actors do not in front of the camera. I love watching Winslet and DiCaprio scenes because you can see that they are clearly very good friends and close. There is one behind the scene where you see Kate and Leo dancing and it is showing that they are just having such a great time and a laugh.
Revolutionary Road
This video is about behind the scenes during the filming of Revolutionary Road. The director and also Kate's husband at the time, Sam Medes is interviewed with Kate and Leo and also some other crew members such as the screenwriter and producer. If you skip to 5:53 they start to talk about making Leo DiCaprio finally take the role. Kate said that "it took a good 2 1/2 years to finally nail Mr DiCaprio ..." and even the producer of the film said a bit about Kate and Leo's friendship. He said "I think Kate said that they got on really well when they did Titanic, she had always wanted Leo...'.
The Great Gatsby
The Holiday
This video is showing the bloopers from the film - it is a bit like behind the scenes but it is showing when the actors forget the lines or they just trip and laugh. This video is very funny.
Hi guys! Today I am going to talk about fan reactions to Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and also I have found a few tweets that some people have wrote talking about both of them together (Kleo).
Leonardo DiCaprio
Some angry fans about Leo not receiving an Oscar
When Leonardo DiCaprio didn't receive an Oscar for his work in 'The Wolf of Wall Street' a lot of DiCaprio fans
They used the #GiveLeoAnOscar so when some more fans tweet about Leo not receiving an Oscar, they can use that hashtag and see other tweets people have said. Some of the tweets are saying what an amazing actor is his, and then there are some
Kate Winslet
Some fans talking about what a great actress Kate is. Even though the top right tweet is talking about Winslet in 'The Reader' the person is still commenting on what she thinks about Kate.
A lot of people ship (fans who want 2 people together) Leo and Kate, but we all know that as much as the Kleo fans want the perfect pair together it will never happen. Their chemistry on Titanic and Revolutionary Road is just perfect and you can see clearly that by just looking at them!
Hi guys! I am going to talk about reviews in this blog today. I am going to do a review on all the films I am studying for this project. The films include 'Titanic', 'Revolutionary Road', 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Holiday'. These reviews are my own so I will be using my own opinions, but I know that some people might not agree with me, but leave in the comments if you have any views. i would be really intresting to read your comments :) Thank you
My favourite scene from this film is when Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) first meet properly - when Rose tries to jump off the ship but Jack stops her. This is when Rose first trusts Jack (even if he), and this scene also shows the difference in class. Rose is first class and Jack is third class, you can tell this by their clothing and how Jack is willing to risk his own life to safe Rose.
Quote from favourite scene
Revolutionary Road
Quote from favourite scene
This is from my favourite scene. I found this scene very intresting to watch because even though the scene is just Frank (Leonardo DiCaprio) and April (Kate Winslet) fighting, I feel it has a lot of tension. It shows the audiecne how great Winslet and DiCaprio's acting skills are, due to the fact that through out the scene Frank even cries. As Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are my favourite couple on-screen and off-screen I feel watching this scene was actually quite hard to watch because I loved their chemistry in Titanic and then when I watching this it is completly different atmosphere. The Great Gatsby
Favourite scene
I really liked this scene because it is just Daisy (Carey Mulligan) talking to Gatsby and explaining that they could just run away together and live happily. However, the only problem is that Daisy is married to a very rich man so she can't exatly live him for Gatsby. So instead she asks Gatsby to run away with her somewhere no-one will find them, Gastby agrees.
The Holiday
My favourite scene is when Amanda is saying goodbye to Graham, I know it is a sad scene but it just shows that she has fallen in love with him. I really like this scene because it just shows that 'love at first sight' can exist - in my opinion anyways.
Hi guys! Today (10th October 2013) I was strolling through my Facebook and I came across a link to Buzzfeed with the title 'Proof That Kate And Leo's Love Is The Deepest Love Of All'. I thought I would do a blog on the reasons that Arianna Rebolini (the person who wrote this page) thought Kate and Leo's love was the deepest.
Titanic proves that their chemistry and the behind the scenes/bloopers solidifies it.
It was immediately apparent that they were perfect together when they started showing up at award shows together.
Kate and Leo also steal smooches (kisses) at award shows, it is like no-one in the world exists.
They praise each other too.
Leo and Kate make each other laugh.
When Kate won her Golden Globe, during her acceptance speech she thanked Leo
Leo couldn't graduate her in person, he also did it during Kate's interview with Oprah. "Love you babe" - Leonardo DiCaprio to Kate Winslet.
During an interview at the Divergent premiere, an interviewer asked Kate who was hotter - Leo or Theo James Kate answered "Leo is the love of my life".
In another interview that Kate and Leo were in, Ryan Seacrest asked Leo if Revolutionary Road was too much of a challenge. Instead of Leo answering, Kate answered replying "Uhhh no obviously he can do anything and everything". This just proves that Kate and Leo support each other in everything they do.
Lastly, Leonardo even walked Kate down the aisle at her most recent wedding to Ned Rocknroll.
Kate kissing Leo
Leo and Kate interivew
Leo's answer to top question (^^)
Leo congratulating Kate during her interview with Oprah
Interview where Kate said Leo is the love of her life
Hi guys! This blog is about 'awards' - this category includes acceptance speeches, Winslet and DiCaprio attending award shows together and finally the awards themselves the 4 films I am studying won.
Acceptance speech(s)
Kate Winslet receiving Golden Globe for RR in 2009
Hey guys! Today I am going to talk about different performance. I am going to talk about Winslet's performances in RR and The Holiday, and then DiCaprio's performance in Titanic and The Great Gatsby. I am going to write my own opinion, and what I feel when I watch the clip.
- This is my first ever primary resource by the way! Enjoy :)
Kate Winslet - performance
Revolutionary Road clip:
I think that Kate Winslet did a very good job and her performance was outstanding. This is because in this scene she changed her emotion three times. The first emotion was annoyance as she was trying to ignore DiCaprio (Frank) and she was smoking as well. The second emotion was anger, she was furious with Frank so she started shouting at him and having a go at him. The last emotion Winslet did was her laughing at Frank but this was only for 22 seconds. She then automatically goes back to being angry at Frank.
The Holiday clip:
Winslet's performance in this clip is completely opposite to the clip from Revolutionary Road. This is because in this clip she is more relaxed, casual and most importantly having fun. Winslet is playing a British woman (Iris) and she is away on holiday in Los Angeles. For the film Kate Winslet didn't have to put on an American accent which makes this clip more natural for Kate. Jack Black (Miles) at the beginning is very relaxed and seems to be having fun, but when he gets a call from his ex-girlfriend (Maggie) it becomes more awkward between Iris and Miles.
Leonardo DiCaprio - performance
I really like this clip from Titanic because Jack (DiCaprio) is just being himself and tires to act as normal as he can in front of the first class passengers (including Rose/Winslet). There are a few humorous parts in this clip but most of this clip is very serious. This proves that Jack believes in luck and everything happens for a reason. DiCaprio is very relaxed in this clip which makes it great to watch, and also there is no tension or shouting in this clip.
The Great Gatsby:
This clip is starring DiCaprio as Gatsby and Carey Mulligan as Daisy, this is when the pair fall in love. I think that this clip is also relaxed and I think it is very romantic which makes it very enjoyable to watch. However, I think DiCaprio and Winslet are better doing relaxed and romantic scenes together because they have got a special bond between them, but Mulligan and DiCaprio don't have that special bond.
Hey guys! This blog today is going to be about Leo and Kate's friendship...in their words. I found an article which was just posted on 2nd October. Below is the link to it.
Kate Winslet's words...from Marie Claire interview
"I think the reason that friendship works is because there was no romantic thing"
This quote is telling us that Kate Winslet thinks why her friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio is so strong and also why they have been close friends since Titanic (17 years ago). But while reading this for the first time I was slightly confused because in both films Kate and Leo are together they are in love, but then when I realised she meant outside acting I got it.
She also said that Leo always saw her "as one of the boys", she said she's "never really been a girly-girl"
Kate said she has never been a 'girly-girl' which surprised me a lot because when she was just becoming a big star, she was the 'girl next-door' from Reading. Also for premiers she always dressed up and put a lot of make-up, but Winslet might of done this so she can not get judged by the press/media by not having enough make-up or why she isn't wearing a dress.
Winslet also added "We needed each other to lean on because we were very young and working all kinds of crazy bloody hours, and it was a shock to the system"
He said that he and Kate "laugh at the same things...she never lets me take myself seriously, even if I wanted to. We have a special magic".
I really like what Leo said about his friendship with Kate because when he said 'we have a special magic', it just proves that their friendship is very strong and also it is very different. I love how DiCaprio is an American and Winslet is British - two best friends who have different nationalities.
Here is a video I found on YouTube, which is a tribute to the wonderful friendship Kate and Leo have together...
Hi guys! Today I am going to talk mostly about Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio playing alongside their old co-stars in some other films they played in or in Titanic/Revoultionary Road.
Kathy Bates
For example, Kathy Bates is an American actress who stared in Titanic as Molly Brown, who was a first class passenger. I found out last week that Bates also reunited with her old Titanic co-stars (Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio)and played along side them in Revolutionary Road. In R.R, Kathy Bates played Mrs Helen Givings who is a relator and becomes good friends with the Wheelers.
Winslet, DiCaprio and Bates in Titanic
Bates with Winslet and DiCaprio at premiere of R.R
Kathryn Hahn
Kathryn Hahn starred in 'The Holiday' in 2006 alongside Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet herself. Even though Winslet and Hahn didn't perform together in the same scenes, they were both in the same film which means they were co-stars. Winslet and Hahn starred alongside another movie together, 2 years later and that is Revolutionary Road.
Hahn in The Holiday alongside Cameron Diaz
Hahn at RR premiere alongside co-stars
Cameron Diaz
This example isn't quite co-stars reuniting but it is talking abou how Diaz starred in Gangs of New York in 2002 alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, and then in 2008 she stared with Kate Winslet in The Holiday. I thought it was quite intresting how Cameron Diaz stared in 2 films with DiCaprio and Winslet seperatly that are 6 years apart.
Cameron and Kate in The Holiday together (2008)
Diaz and DiCaprio posing with Martin Scorsese in 2002
Hi guys! I'm back and today I am going to talk about another secondary resource I found. This source made me think about Kate Winslet mostly but at the end of the article it mentioned a bit about Titanic.
Quote: "Titanic would be a different film if we imagine replacing Leonardo DiCaprio with Brad Pitt in the lead role"
This quote is asking the readers to think about a star and a different star and think of the consequences that would make. For example, different stars will perform than others and also different stars will make the film different as well. This is why Dyer used DiCaprio and Pitt as the two stars, and said that the audience can't imagine Pitt replaying DiCaprio and playing Jack Dawson in Titanic.
Quote: "We often talk about people whom the camera loves...some people love the camera"
This quote made me think of Kate Winslet. When Winslet first started getting well known, she was the 'girl next door' from Reading (UK), so she always used to talk to the paparazzi and even sometimes have a conversation with some before she was heading to her destination.
Quote: "chosen from among many young woman of virtually identical attributes, to be hyped by the marketing machinery of Hollywood"
Even though the quote isn't talking about Kate Winslet, it has the same idea. This is because in this extract Dyer is talking about Julia Roberts and he is saying that Roberts was a really lucky individual because she was described as likeable, attractive and talented, and funny enough she was all those things. This quote made me think of Winslet because when she auditioned to play the part of Rose in Titanic she wasn't well known. Gwyneth Paltrow, Claire Danes and Gabrielle Anwar was offered the role of Rose and all these young attractive and talented women were well known but they all turned down the role. This made 'girl next door' Winslet get the role of Rose - she was young, talented and attractive woman.
Hi guys! I'm back and yet again I have another secondary resource. I found this book in the Cambridgeshire Library. This source made me think of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet because the pages are talking about Cameron thinking about cast and Winslet's audition in LA.
Source: Paula Parisi, Titanic and the making of James Cameron, 1998, UK and pages 95 -99.
Front cover
Quote: "James Cameron was reluctant to even consider either Kate Winslet for the part of Rose or Leonardo DiCaprio for Jack"
This quote shows us that James Cameron was very certain, that when he started planning the film, he wanted Winslet and DiCaprio as the leads. This shows us that Cameron thought that DiCaprio and Winslet were very good young actors and this was at the start of Winslet's acting career.
Quote: "You've proven that you can do the American accent, now act the same scene for me without thinking about that"
This quote is about Kate Winslet. This is because Winslet is a British actress so in Titanic her character (Rose) was American so she needed to act out an American accent. When Titanic 3-D was released, Winslet said in one interview that she was embarrassed by her performance in Titanic and she can't stand hearing her American accent in it. This shows us she has improved her acting skills and she said hopefully her American accent is a lot better now than the one she did in 1997.
Quote: "Yet DiCaprio, like Winslet, had also accumulated an impressive resume of characters"
This quote made me think of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. This is because James Cameron (the director of Titanic and who said this quote) is saying that both DiCaprio and Winslet are very good actors. Also, it shows us that Cameron also thought that DiCaprio and Winslet are very good at performing different characters for different types of films.
Hi guys! I'm back and today I am going to talk about my first secondary resource and talk about some quotes, which made me think of DiCaprio and Kate separately and as a pair..
Source: Susan Hayward, Cinema Studies; The Key Concepts, (third edition,
Routledge 2006, pp 375-384)
Book cover
Quotes from 'A first definition: star as capital value'
Quote 1: "Meanwhile male stars became more complex. No longer just heroes, they could be anti-heroes, rebels-as-heroes, socially aware of heroes, and so on"
This quote made me think of Leonardo DiCaprio individually This is because DiCaprio hasn't played just one particular role, he has played all different roles. For example, in Titanic (1997) he was playing Jack Dawson - Dawson was a third class young boy who luckily won a game at poker and won 2 tickets to go onto Titanic where he met Rose (Winslet). In 2013, DiCaprio played Jay Gatsby who is a millionaire and holds a lot of parties with other millionaires This shows us that DiCaprio can perform different characters that have different status'.
DiCaprio playing different roles
Quote 2: "For some film stars 'going to Hollywood' could make them into megastars"
Page: 376
This quote reminded me of Kate Winslet. This is because Winslet was born in Reading, UK which means she isn't an American actress. When Gwyneth Paltrow, Claire Danes and Gabrielle Anmar were offered the role of Rose, they all turned it down. This is when Winslet campaigned heavily for the role, she sent daily notes to David Cameron (director of Titanic) from UK and then with the help of her agent, Cameron finally invited her to Hollywood for an audition. With Kate Winslet's persistence and her talent, Cameron offered her the role of Rose Dawson. The film became the highest-grossing film of all time with $2.1 billion box office receipts world-wide. Titanic transformed Winslet into a commercial movie star, she later won 'Best British Actress' from Empire Awards for her role in Titanic.
Winslet's first screen-test for Titanic
Quote 3: "Traditions of performance, then, have national as well as individual resonates and need to be borne in mind when analysing a star's performance style."
Page: 376/77
This quote is going towards DiCaprio and Winslet. DiCaprio is an American actor with a German mother and half Italian and half German father, DiCaprio can speak fluent German. Winslet is a British actress and before she got a mega-star she was typically 'the girl next door'.
In Titanic and Revolutionary Road they both played a couple, but in a different way. For example, in Titanic the two characters they play (Rose and Jack) fall in love and their different class doesn't matter to them. Sadly, Jack (DiCaprio) dies in the film from hypothermia.
However, in Revolutionary Road Leonardo and Winslet play a newly married couple (Frank and April) but their relationship is troubled. In this film, April (Winslet) died from an abortion going wrong.
DiCaprio and Winslet in Titanic (left) and Revolutionary Road (right)