Thursday 11 December 2014

Revolutionary Road review

Hi guys! Today I am going to write a review on Revolutionary Road, the 2nd film that DiCaprio and Winslet starred in together. 

At first, I thought that this film was really interesting because it started from the past (when April and Frank first met).  After within 15 minutes watching it I did start to get a little bit uncomfortable watching it.  It is completely different from Titanic because Titanic is a romantic film whereas Revolutionary Road is drama.  I didn't like the fact that most of the scenes were about the 2 characters (April and Frank arguing all the time)

My favourite scene from the film was when April (Winslet) and Frank (DiCaprio) had their first major fight and this caused a lot of tension between the couple.  Kate and Leo's performances in this scene are incredible because they change emotion twice through out the scene which is very hard to do, and also when both characters shout each other it is very realistic.

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