Sunday 9 November 2014

Behind the scenes in the 4 films

Hey guys! Today I am going to talk about behind the scenes in the 4 chosen films, but mainly focusing on Titanic and Revolutionary Road.  I am focusing on those 2 films because while watching behind the scenes you can see the relationship Leo and Kate have.


I really like these behind the scenes shots because it is very interesting to watch what the actors do not in front of the camera. I love watching Winslet and DiCaprio scenes because you can see that they are clearly very good friends and close.  There is one behind the scene where you see Kate and Leo dancing and it is showing that they are just having such a great time and a laugh.

Revolutionary Road

This video is about behind the scenes during the filming of Revolutionary Road. The director and also Kate's husband at the time, Sam Medes is interviewed with Kate and Leo and also some other crew members such as the screenwriter and producer.  If you skip to 5:53 they start to talk about making Leo DiCaprio finally take the role.  Kate said that "it took a good 2 1/2 years to finally nail Mr DiCaprio ..." and even the producer of the film said a bit about Kate and Leo's friendship.  He said "I think Kate said that they got on really well when they did Titanic, she had always wanted Leo...'.

The Great Gatsby 

The Holiday

This video is showing the bloopers from the film - it is a bit like behind the scenes but it is showing when the actors forget the lines or they just trip and laugh.  This video is very funny.

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