Thursday 6 November 2014

Favourite scenes

Hi guys! I am going to talk about reviews in this blog today.  I am going to do a review on all the films I am studying for this project.  The films include 'Titanic', 'Revolutionary Road', 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Holiday'.  These reviews are my own so I will be using my own opinions, but I know that some people might not agree with me, but leave in the comments if you have any views.  i would be really intresting to read your comments :) Thank you


My favourite scene from this film is when Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) first meet properly - when Rose tries to jump off the ship but Jack stops her.  This is when Rose first trusts Jack (even if he), and this scene also shows the difference in class.  Rose is first class and Jack is third class, you can tell this by their clothing and how Jack is willing to risk his own life to safe Rose.

Quote from favourite scene

Revolutionary Road

Quote from favourite scene
This is from my favourite scene.  I found this scene very intresting to watch because even though the scene is just Frank (Leonardo DiCaprio) and April (Kate Winslet) fighting, I feel it has a lot of tension.  It shows the audiecne how great Winslet and DiCaprio's acting skills are, due to the fact that through out the scene Frank even cries.  As Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are my favourite couple on-screen and off-screen I feel watching this scene was actually quite hard to watch because I loved their chemistry in Titanic and then when I watching this it is completly different atmosphere.

The Great Gatsby

Favourite scene

I really liked this scene because it is just Daisy (Carey Mulligan) talking to Gatsby and explaining that they could just run away together and live happily.  However, the only problem is that Daisy is married to a very rich man so she can't exatly live him for Gatsby.  So instead she asks Gatsby to run away with her somewhere no-one will find them, Gastby agrees.

The Holiday

My favourite scene is when Amanda is saying goodbye to Graham, I know it is a sad scene but it just shows that she has fallen in love with him.  I really like this scene because it just shows that 'love at first sight' can exist - in my opinion anyways.

Amanda (Diaz) saying goodbye to Graham (Law)

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