Sunday 28 December 2014


Hey guys!! I watched Inception the other day so I thought I would add a blog entry about it.

Background information...
  • Release date - 16th July 2010 (UK and USA)
  • Cast - Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Livitt and Ken Watanabe
  • Director - Christopher Nolan
  • Budget - $160 million
  • Box office - $825.5 million
  • Distributors - Warner Bros Pictures

Official trailer...

Images related to the film...

Sunday 21 December 2014

Comparing Titanic and Revolutionary Road - performance wise

Hi guys! I'm back and today I am going to compare Titanic and Revolutionary in terms of performance.  I will talk about the performance in a scene from both and explain the performance, and then lastly I will compare each performance.

Titanic performance:

I really like this scene because this is when Rose and Jack share their first kiss – the scene is when Rose says “I’m flying Jack”.  The scene starts off with Jack starting out at sea and then Rose appears, Jack asks Rose to grab his hand which she does and he leads her to go in front of him.  Jack grabs Rose’s other hand and leads her onto the top step of the deck (Rose has her eyes closed when this is all happening).  Jack tells Rose to open her eyes and this is when she says “I’m flying Jack, I’m flying”.

 The performance in this scene is breathtaking because as the scene goes on you see that both characters become more comfortable together and then start to trust each other. Especially Rose, in this scene she finally starts to trust Jack.  Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) acting in this scene is remarkable.  This is because at the start of the scene you see Jack surprised to see Rose coming towards him.  Afterwards, he seems to take it all in and becomes more relaxed. You can tell he became more relaxed by his facial expressions. 
In an interview once, Kate said that she is embarassed by her Titanic performance - she said "even my American accent, I can't listen to it".  This shows that
Even though as an audience member I thought it was really good and very confincing, Kate doesn't think so.
Revolutionary Road performance:
 This scene is a lot different than Titanic because this is when Frank and April have a fight after April's first show at the theatre.  The scene starts off with an awkward silence in the car and then Frank pulls over and starts to slowly have a go at April.  This then turns into a very heated argument and it ends in April stepping outside the car and have a cigarette in order to calm down.  As Titanic is one of my favorite and I love the chemistry between Jack and Rose, I found watching this scene very difficult to watch as both characters are fighting all the time.
In this film Winslet had to do an American accent again.  I still think it is amazing and Kate did a really good job.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Revolutionary Road review

Hi guys! Today I am going to write a review on Revolutionary Road, the 2nd film that DiCaprio and Winslet starred in together. 

At first, I thought that this film was really interesting because it started from the past (when April and Frank first met).  After within 15 minutes watching it I did start to get a little bit uncomfortable watching it.  It is completely different from Titanic because Titanic is a romantic film whereas Revolutionary Road is drama.  I didn't like the fact that most of the scenes were about the 2 characters (April and Frank arguing all the time)

My favourite scene from the film was when April (Winslet) and Frank (DiCaprio) had their first major fight and this caused a lot of tension between the couple.  Kate and Leo's performances in this scene are incredible because they change emotion twice through out the scene which is very hard to do, and also when both characters shout each other it is very realistic.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Comparing Titanic and Revolutionary Road

Hi guys! This blog today is about comparing Titanic and Revolutionary Road.  I have included some similarities and differences.

  • Both films have Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kathy Bates in them.
DiCaprio and Bates in Titanic

Kate and Kathy at an event

  • In both films they mention Paris - in Titanic you see Rose looking at Jack's drawings he drew on French women in Paris and then in Revolutionary Road April wants to move to Paris to become an actress.

Titanic scene when Rose looks at Jack's drawings

  • Titanic is a very romantic film and Rose and Jack are clearly deeply in love, Rose says to Jack "When the ship docks, I'm getting off with you" so this shows she is going to leave Cal for Jack.  However in Revolutionary Road, Frank and April DID love each other but then later on life they gradually started hating each other.  They were in a difficult and violent marriage - I found it quite hard to watch because I love Rose and Jack's love. 
Revolutionary Road

  • In Revolutionary Road April dies and then in Titanic Jack dies.

  • Titanic's genre is romantic and Revolutionary Road's is drama

  • Revolutionary Road is set in the late 1940's whereas Titanic is set in 1912 (28 years apart)