Friday, 14 November 2014

Titanic - dinner table scene

Hi guys! Missed me? Well I am back now and today I am going to talk about a scene from Titanic. The scene is when Jack is invited to first class and has dinner with Rose, Cal (her fiancée), mother and a few other first class passengers. I am focusing on performance.

Here are the videos...

Photos from the clips:

Meeting at bottom of the stairs:

Dinner scene photos:

The main focus during the clips isn't the dialogue, it is about what Kate and Leo do during the 2 scenes.  Eye-line match, gestures and finally their acting skills.  Eye-line match means that the gaze of a character in one shot has to line up with the next shot with a different character.   Examples of gestures are starring at each other, smiling, linking hands and laughing (all what Rose and Jack do).

Meeting at the bottom of the stairs clip.  In this scene, When Rose walks down the stairs, Jack just stares at her and Rose stars back.  When Jack kisses Rose's hand he said " I saw that in a nickelodeon one, and I always wanted to do it.". This makes laugh, Jack laughs as well.  This is showing that Rose and Jack are comfortable with each other and this is when they start falling in love with each other.  I really like the acting in this scene because Leo and Kate make it look really natural and also even though I have watched Titanic loads of times, this scene always makes me smile.

During the dinner table scene, you notice every once in a while you notice Rose and Jack exchanging looks and smiles.  For example when Jack is talking about how great is life is and how he loves waking up in the morning not knowing what is going to happen or who is going to meet, Rose just stares at him. Rose smiles at Jack which causes Jack to smile too.  I really like the acting in this clip because you are mainly focusing on the gestures and eye-line match between Leo and Kate.Also in this scene you can see Kathy Bates (Molly Brown) give Rose's mum (Ruth) the evil stare.  The evil stare symbolises that Molly doesn't really like Ruth. She is a little bit up-herself and also she is suggesting to Jack she has more power than him as Jack is third class and Ruth is in first class, this is shown by Ruth saying "you find this sort of things appealing do you?".  

When Jack says goodbye to everyone and then kisses Rose's hand again (just like the beginning of the night) and puts a note in her palm.  They share glances at each other and when Jack leaves, Rose/Winslet looks down and smiles. 


I found the whole script for the film on a website and I found it very interesting to look at the script while playing the scene at the same time.  At some bits, it is hard to follow but Jack still says the same lines.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Hey guys! So I don't know if you heard but today (11/11/2014) is the one and only Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday! - he is 40 years old today.  I decided that I would create a blog post dedicating all of what Leo has done through-out his acting career.

Early life

  • Leonardo is an only child
  • Leonardo DiCaprio as well as an actor, he is a film producer and an environmentalist
  • He was name Leonardo because his mother was looking at a Leonardo Di Vinci painting when he first kicked
  • His mother is called Iremelin
  • Father is called George - he is half German and Italian
  • His parents divorced when DiCaprio was only 1
  • For most of his childhood, he lived with his mother
  • DiCaprio can speak German fluently 

Leo's first film was Critters 3 which is played the step-son of an evil landlord. After that he became a recurring cast member for Graving Pains, he played a character called Luke Brower.  Below is a video that the company IMB listed the top 10 films Leonardo has done so far.  Titanic is mentioned in it.


Carey Mulligan on Leonardo DiCaprio (in The Great Gatsby)

Tobey Maguire and DiCaprio when they were younger

Social media

  1. Twitter ( Joined in April 2010
  2. Facebook (
  3. Instragram ( Joined in September 2014
  4. Website (

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Behind the scenes in the 4 films

Hey guys! Today I am going to talk about behind the scenes in the 4 chosen films, but mainly focusing on Titanic and Revolutionary Road.  I am focusing on those 2 films because while watching behind the scenes you can see the relationship Leo and Kate have.


I really like these behind the scenes shots because it is very interesting to watch what the actors do not in front of the camera. I love watching Winslet and DiCaprio scenes because you can see that they are clearly very good friends and close.  There is one behind the scene where you see Kate and Leo dancing and it is showing that they are just having such a great time and a laugh.

Revolutionary Road

This video is about behind the scenes during the filming of Revolutionary Road. The director and also Kate's husband at the time, Sam Medes is interviewed with Kate and Leo and also some other crew members such as the screenwriter and producer.  If you skip to 5:53 they start to talk about making Leo DiCaprio finally take the role.  Kate said that "it took a good 2 1/2 years to finally nail Mr DiCaprio ..." and even the producer of the film said a bit about Kate and Leo's friendship.  He said "I think Kate said that they got on really well when they did Titanic, she had always wanted Leo...'.

The Great Gatsby 

The Holiday

This video is showing the bloopers from the film - it is a bit like behind the scenes but it is showing when the actors forget the lines or they just trip and laugh.  This video is very funny.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Fans talking about DiCaprio and Winslet

Hi guys! Today I am going to talk about fan reactions to Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and also I have found a few tweets that some people have wrote talking about both of them together (Kleo).

Leonardo DiCaprio

Some angry fans about Leo not receiving an Oscar

When Leonardo DiCaprio didn't receive an Oscar for his work in 'The Wolf of Wall Street' a lot of DiCaprio fans
They used the #GiveLeoAnOscar so when some more fans tweet about Leo not receiving an Oscar, they can use that hashtag and see other tweets people have said.  Some of the tweets are saying what an amazing actor is his, and then there are some

Kate Winslet

Some fans talking about what a great actress Kate is.  Even though the top right tweet is talking about Winslet in 'The Reader' the person is still commenting on what she thinks about Kate.
A lot of people ship (fans who want 2 people together) Leo and Kate, but we all know that as much as the Kleo fans want the perfect pair together it will never happen.  Their chemistry on Titanic and Revolutionary Road is just perfect and you can see clearly that by just looking at them!

Favourite scenes

Hi guys! I am going to talk about reviews in this blog today.  I am going to do a review on all the films I am studying for this project.  The films include 'Titanic', 'Revolutionary Road', 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Holiday'.  These reviews are my own so I will be using my own opinions, but I know that some people might not agree with me, but leave in the comments if you have any views.  i would be really intresting to read your comments :) Thank you


My favourite scene from this film is when Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) first meet properly - when Rose tries to jump off the ship but Jack stops her.  This is when Rose first trusts Jack (even if he), and this scene also shows the difference in class.  Rose is first class and Jack is third class, you can tell this by their clothing and how Jack is willing to risk his own life to safe Rose.

Quote from favourite scene

Revolutionary Road

Quote from favourite scene
This is from my favourite scene.  I found this scene very intresting to watch because even though the scene is just Frank (Leonardo DiCaprio) and April (Kate Winslet) fighting, I feel it has a lot of tension.  It shows the audiecne how great Winslet and DiCaprio's acting skills are, due to the fact that through out the scene Frank even cries.  As Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are my favourite couple on-screen and off-screen I feel watching this scene was actually quite hard to watch because I loved their chemistry in Titanic and then when I watching this it is completly different atmosphere.

The Great Gatsby

Favourite scene

I really liked this scene because it is just Daisy (Carey Mulligan) talking to Gatsby and explaining that they could just run away together and live happily.  However, the only problem is that Daisy is married to a very rich man so she can't exatly live him for Gatsby.  So instead she asks Gatsby to run away with her somewhere no-one will find them, Gastby agrees.

The Holiday

My favourite scene is when Amanda is saying goodbye to Graham, I know it is a sad scene but it just shows that she has fallen in love with him.  I really like this scene because it just shows that 'love at first sight' can exist - in my opinion anyways.

Amanda (Diaz) saying goodbye to Graham (Law)