Monday 5 January 2015

Review on Inception

Hi guys!! On 26th December I watched Inception.  So I thought I would write a review on what I thought about it.

At first, I found the begging quite hard to follow which made it really confusing and difficult to watch.   I think after half an hour or so into the film I started to enjoy it and understand it a lot more.  I thought the idea of dreaming and reality was a very good idea.  The visual effects in this film was very good because it made the storyline really realistic which was very clever.

My favourite scene from the film was when Dom (DiCaprio) saw his wife (Marion Cotillard) commit suicide.  I know that this scene is very upsetting because it is the moment Dom loses his wife, but I feel that the performances in this are really good.  DiCaprio's performance in this clip is really good because he uses all sort of hand gestures in this scene and also by the way he is speaking it is very convincing.  Cotillard performed also really well because she has to pretend that she is crazy and is about to commit suicide because she still thinks that she is in a dream not reality. She feels that the only way to 'wake up' from her dream was get a 'kick' (used to wake up the person dreaming suddenly).   At the start of the clip you see Dom stepping into the hotel room looking for his wife, which he then finds out is outside about to jump off the opposite building.  Dom does a lot of persuading to do, this is shown by stern words and eye-contact, towards his wife but it still doesn't convince Mal that she is in reality.

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