Friday 10 October 2014

'Proof That Kate And Leo's Love Is The Deepest Love Of All'

Hi guys! Today (10th October 2013) I was strolling through my Facebook and I came across a link to Buzzfeed with the title 'Proof That Kate And Leo's Love Is The Deepest Love Of All'.  I thought I would do a blog on the reasons that Arianna Rebolini (the person who wrote this page) thought Kate and Leo's love was the deepest.


  1. Titanic proves that their chemistry and the behind the scenes/bloopers solidifies it.
  2. It was immediately apparent that they were perfect together when they started showing up at award shows together. 
  3. Kate and Leo also steal smooches (kisses) at award shows, it is like no-one in the world exists.
  4. They praise each other too.
  5. Leo and Kate make each other laugh.
  6. When Kate won her Golden Globe, during her acceptance speech she thanked Leo
  7. Leo couldn't graduate her in person, he also did it during Kate's interview with Oprah. "Love you babe" - Leonardo DiCaprio to Kate Winslet.
  8. During an interview at the Divergent premiere, an interviewer asked Kate who was hotter - Leo or Theo James Kate answered "Leo is the love of my life".
  9. In another interview that Kate and Leo were in, Ryan Seacrest asked Leo if Revolutionary Road was too much of a challenge.  Instead of Leo answering, Kate answered replying "Uhhh no obviously he can do anything and everything". This just proves that Kate and Leo support each other in everything they do.
  10. Lastly, Leonardo even walked Kate down the aisle at her most recent wedding to Ned Rocknroll.

Kate kissing Leo

Leo and Kate interivew

Leo's answer to top question (^^)

Leo congratulating Kate during her interview with Oprah

Interview where Kate said Leo is the love of her life
Behind the scenes of Titanic
Leo and Kate laughing


Hi guys! This blog is about 'awards' - this category includes acceptance speeches, Winslet and DiCaprio attending award shows together and finally the awards  themselves the 4 films I am studying won.

Acceptance speech(s)

Kate Winslet receiving Golden Globe for RR in 2009

The Duo attending award shows together
Proving they came together


Titanic: 119 wins
Revolutionary Road: 16
The Holiday: 1
The Great Gatsby: 43

Monday 6 October 2014


Hey guys! Today I am going to talk about different performance. I am going to talk about Winslet's performances in RR and The Holiday, and then DiCaprio's performance in Titanic and The Great Gatsby.  I am going to write my own opinion, and what I feel when I watch the clip.

- This is my first ever primary resource by the way! Enjoy :)

Kate Winslet - performance

Revolutionary Road clip:

I think that Kate Winslet did a very good job and her performance was outstanding.  This is because in this scene she changed her emotion three times.  The first emotion was annoyance as she was trying to ignore DiCaprio (Frank) and she was smoking as well.  The second emotion was anger, she was furious with Frank so she started shouting at him and having a go at him.  The last emotion Winslet did was her laughing at Frank but this was only for 22 seconds.  She then automatically goes back to being angry at Frank.

The Holiday clip:

Winslet's performance in this clip is completely opposite to the clip from Revolutionary Road. This is because in this clip she is more relaxed, casual and most importantly having fun. Winslet is playing a British woman (Iris) and she is away on holiday in Los Angeles.  For the film Kate Winslet didn't have to put on an American accent which makes this clip more natural for Kate. Jack Black (Miles) at the beginning is very relaxed and seems to be having fun, but when he gets a call from his ex-girlfriend (Maggie) it becomes more awkward between Iris and Miles.

Leonardo DiCaprio - performance 


I really like this clip from Titanic because Jack (DiCaprio) is just being himself and tires to act as normal as he can in front of the first class passengers (including Rose/Winslet).   There are a few humorous parts in this clip but most of this clip is very serious.  This proves that Jack believes in luck and everything happens for a reason.  DiCaprio is very relaxed in this clip which makes it great to watch, and also there is no tension or shouting in this clip.

The Great Gatsby:

This clip is starring DiCaprio as Gatsby and Carey Mulligan as Daisy, this is when the pair fall in love. I think that this clip is also relaxed and I think it is very romantic which makes it very enjoyable to watch.  However, I think DiCaprio and Winslet are better doing relaxed and romantic scenes together because they have got a special bond between them, but Mulligan and DiCaprio don't have that special bond.

Saturday 4 October 2014


Hey guys! This blog today is going to be about Leo and Kate's their words.  I found an article which was just posted on 2nd October.  Below is the link to it.

Kate Winslet's words...from Marie Claire interview

  • "I think the reason that friendship works is because there was no romantic thing"

This quote is telling us that Kate Winslet thinks why her friendship with Leonardo DiCaprio is so strong and also why they have been close friends since Titanic (17 years ago).  But while reading this for the first time I was slightly confused because  in both films Kate and Leo are together they are in love, but then when I realised she meant outside acting I got it.  

  • She also said that Leo always saw her "as one of the boys", she said she's "never really been a girly-girl"

Kate said she has never been a 'girly-girl' which surprised me a lot because when she was just becoming a big star, she was the 'girl next-door' from Reading.  Also for premiers she always dressed up and put a lot of make-up, but Winslet might of done this so she can not get judged by the press/media by not having enough make-up or why she isn't wearing a dress.

  • Winslet also added "We needed each other to lean on because we were very young and working all kinds of crazy bloody hours, and it was a shock to the system"

Leonardo DiCaprio's words...from Express interview

  • He said that he and Kate "laugh at the same things...she never lets me take myself seriously, even if I wanted to.  We have a special magic".

I really like what Leo said about his friendship with Kate because when he said 'we have a special magic', it just proves that their friendship is very strong and also it is very different.  I love how DiCaprio is an American and Winslet is British - two best friends who have different nationalities.  


Here is a video I found on YouTube, which is a tribute to the wonderful friendship Kate and Leo have together...